Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Amazing Richard Armitage - FanstRAvaganza!

This is my third and final entry for the Richard Armitage FanstRAvaganza love fest.  I wasn't getting any inspiration on what to write about for this final posting, so I decided to take the lazy route, and post some of my all time favorite close up photos of Richard.  Some have been posted here on this blog before, but so what?  Who in their right mind ever gets tired of seeing the same pictures of our Richard over and over again.

Enjoy the eye candy!!!


It has been such an honor and pleasure to be a part of this event along with so many wonderful people.  A thousand thank you's to Traxy of The Squee for organizing the event this year.  A round of applause goes to Angelfish69 for the FanstRAvaganza banners.   Last, but certianly not least, thank you to Richard Armitage for being such an amazing actor and inspiration to so many people around the world.   

Love and hugs!




Trudy said...

The second shot and the last picture are my faves today. There's something very enticing about that soft spot just past the corner of that chiseled jawline, a bit under the ear. Hmm...I think it might represent that perfect blend of strength and vulnerability.

Fabolaktuko said...

Wow! You have many of my favorite pics in your selection here. I love Lucas, and his eyes when dressed in dark blue. But I see you and I share a love for RA and that black T-shirt in CBeebies!