Sunday, August 5, 2012

Paris Loves Pastry - A Blog

About two weeks ago I came upon a blog that completely blew me away.  It is called Paris Loves Pastry.  It is one of the most well put together and beautiful blogs I have ever seen.  I think it is possible to gain weight just looking at all the photos of cakes, pies, bonbons and a host of other sweet dessertsThe blog owner's name is Danielle who is from the Netherlands.

Feast your eyes on these photos of desserts from Danielle's blog.

 Mama's Angel food cake with rum creme anglaise.

 Nectarine, pineapple and coconut crumble

 Rustic Apple Tart

 Tarte Tropezienn

 Raspberry Tart

Kay Lime Tartlets

 Angel food cake with cream and strawberries.

Food is not the only thing that Daniele shares on her blog.  She also shares photos of her travels around Europe.  I encourage you to visit Paris Loves Pastry.  Please don't blame me if you put on a few pounds as a result of visiting this blog.  You enter at your own risk.  :-)

Paris Loves Pastry blog designed by Dirt and Lace Designs.   

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