Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve 2012

I remember just a year ago being so excited that we were finally in the year 2012.  The year went by so quickly.  I really feel like it all went by in a flash, but I am happy about it.  I looked forward with much glee to December 22, 2012 and now the start of 2013.  This is a time of great change taking place on our earth even if some of you do not see evidence of it yet.  

Are you making resolutions for the new year?   I am always making lists of things I want to accomplish, so the new year is no different for me in that respect than any other time of year.  I create vision boards and do visualization techniques that work for me to manifest my heart's desires, so it is a part of my life.   I cannot do without creative visualization.

One of the things that I want to do in 2013 is greatly intensify my spiritual studies and work.  This is tops on my list.   Without my spiritual connection I could not be happy and be so blessed, so I want to intensity it a hundred percent.   

I offer up a toast of thanks to all the gifts of life that I have received during 2012.  First and foremost I love and bless the I AM Magic Presence that abides within and above me.  I freely acknowledge that You are my true Great Goddess Self of Infinite Mother-Father God.  You love me unconditionally and protect me now and forever.

I love and bless the Great Divine Direcdtor and all those who are ascended and free and who have been assisting me on my chosen spiritual path.  I say YES to life every day!


I am not going out dancing or anything like that tonight, but if I was I would be wearing some comfortable shoes like these.  

I really do not go out partying on new years eve.  I have only done so once, and I did not enjoy the time out.  Besides, everything is so over priced on new years eve.  I really prefer to just relax at home  and do some reflecting on my life and where I want to take it the following year.   

1 comment:

Phylly3 said...

Positive visualization is a wonderful tool for living a happy life. I have to remember to be more positive (especially in my work life!)
I do hate to be around those negative types - they are so draining...
I hope you achieve everything you wish for this year Xenia! :)