Sunday, October 7, 2012

Dried Flowers as Decoration

While I was living in my first house I had beautiful dried flowers hanging in my kitchen.  The kitchen had big wood beams on the ceilings so it was perfect for hanging dried flowers.  I looked gorgeous and gave my kitchen a warm welcoming look and feel.  Along with the huge hearth that was in there I loved the kitchen in my first house.  It was a different style house (federal row house circa 1790) that one would kind of expect to find dried flowers hanging someplace inside of it.  Walking into my first house I always had the feeling of stepping back in time to the 1700's.   

My present house is a Queen Ann Victorian and it really never occurred to me to hang dried flowers in it.  This house has a whole different "personality".  I really love pretty dried flower vignettes.  I think that I will experiment a bit with some dried flower arrangements for my present house.  The holidays are fast comping up and I want to do something really special in the way of decoration.  Dried flowers will be a change of pace since I have not done that yet in this home.

I think that it would be fun to learn how to dry flowers yourself.


1 comment:

dhanalakshmi said...

Everyone don't forget about the old house.I wish you get a nice idea to decorate your present house also.