Saturday, December 10, 2011

Urban Farming

I Love this magazine.  It is filled with lots of interesting information for people like me who live in the city but want to have some degree of farming happening within the city.  I like having easy access to fresh food that is not laced with chemicals and nor genetically modified.   This is a picture of the premiere issue but Urban Farming magazine has been around for a while.  

Doesn't this soup look delicious?  Soup always tastes best when it is homemade from scratch.  I grew up eating homemade soup. 

I love most vegetables but I do have my favorites.  Collard Greens is one of them.  

 Kale is another one of my favorite vegetables.

 This is another type of kale that I enjoy eating.

 Butternut squash soup is one of my favorite soups to make and it is very easy and quick to prepare.  

 I love sweet peas too.  I just steamer just for a few minutes to cook.  They are delicious topped with just a little butter.

 I love corn too, on or off the cob.  The sweeter the corn the better too.  I love what is called candy corn.  It is sweet like sugar.

I guess that I don't have to tell you that I love carrots too.  I like to put it in soup, roast them, steam them or just eat them raw.

 Another favorite vegetable.....broccoli

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